Friday, December 31, 2010

Gratitude for 2010

As I sit here on the last morning of 2010, contemplating heading out in the rain for one last run of the year or enjoying one more cup of coffee, I am reminded of how blessed I have been this past year....numerous notes from old and new friends wishing me a Happy New Year.

This has been a year filled with highs and lows - as I suppose every year is - but the difference in 2010 was the growth in continued friendships and the many new connections I have been so lucky to make.

And, let's not forget the new discovery of ME.  The past few months have been about self-discovery and becoming happy with what I can control, about making decisions for me first.

As I head into 2011, I see a year filled with possibilities.  Opportunities for more great times with fabulous and supportive friends; watching my children continue to achieve their own goals and grow into independent, thriving individuals; and continuing to build on the momentum of gratitude and achievement I've felt in myself at the end of 2010.

My past posts have shared a great deal about the "new Barb" and although this new attitude is one that some could see as being somewhat selfish, I am internally grateful for those old and new friends that made this "Babitude" (as one close friend coined it) emerge.  Unconditional love and support from all of you have made 2010 VERY SPECIAL.

I wish I could toast the new year in with all of you but instead, from my kitchen in Illinois, I raise my coffee mug to all  - "Cheers to a 2011 living each day to it's fullest with optimism and gratitude."

LiveSTRONG my friends.....and as 2011 knocks on my door, I'll be RunningStrong for Hope....knowing I have the best safety net I could ever ask for, supportive and loving friendships.

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